Kalvin het Gemiddelde Kalf (Kalvin the Average Calf) | Concept & directing
A cow must give birth to a calve every year to give milk.
That's why over a million calves are born in the Netherlands every year.
Two-third of the newborn in the diary industry end up in the calve-meat industry. Over 50% of these calves get pneumonia, over 70% stomach ulcers or diarrhea and over 60% get pleurisy.

The goal of this campaign is creating awareness of these facts in a humorous way - since these numbers are so depressing. English captions available.
Concept and directing- Tom Schrooten
Script - Tom Schrooten & Florian Walraven
Design and animation - Florian Walraven
Post-production - Tom Schrooten
Music and sounddesign - Jacob van de Water
Voiced by - Wart Kamps (Kalvin), JP Beukema (Narrator) and Mirthe Bron (Singer)
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